What is an asset?

An asset is something that has value to you. A wedding ring may not have been expensive but the sentimental value if lost or stolen could be a lot. A laptop may not have been expensive but the data on it may be irreplaceable for a business and its loss could close down the business … Read more

Readability v only certain words will do

Over the last few months I have been trying to write in a way that is readable and accessible – apparently the average reading age is around eleven. It is harder than it looks, especially when my reading age is far higher than eleven. I am benefitting from doing this and I think that whoever … Read more

An average week

A week later it ranges from IVF, death through to a query around surgery on someone backside. If you are using peoples data in the NHS you need to know who they are and what they are experiencing – you cannot do that if you just refer to them by their NHS Number. That is … Read more

Dinosaurs still exist

That is one of my key phrases at the moment whether I see bad staff management, bad working practice or general people forgetting this is the 21st century. I may not agree with everything these days, certain generations are self-absorbed or come across as overly protected, but there is the point where previous generations need … Read more

Times are changing…

…and people need to keep up with the times, whether they like it or not. The IG scene is not as nice as people think and there are real challenges keeping up with everything. I am not even sure if it is about keeping up or just about needing to be a little behind so … Read more

If I had my way…

…internet, email has its use but all official correspondence would be sent by old fashioned mail. It is the great equaliser and makes sure that the person sending the mail and the person receiving it have the same timescales to respond.

Why is data quality poor in the NHS?

The main problem is human error – that is the polite term for staff not checking the information that they are entering on systems about patients. Name and Date of Birth might be checked but a lot of the time there is a “computer says yes” approach if something immediately is matched but they do … Read more