GRG blog

2025 – the year we start losing the knowledge and experience

There are a few people that have started to announce that they are retiring/moving on plus there are changes where roles do not look like they are being replaced. At a point where the NHS needs to change at speed, losing those people are not going to help because what they know will help facilitate

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Why does history matter with data protection?

We deal with real life and as I said to someone today linked to the NHS “We deal with anything from pre-birth to post death and everything in-between.” History matters because sometimes you need to know historical context to an answer, especially given that people can live into their 90’s and beyond.

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Why do I take a light touch approach?

For two reasons: The moment you start saying ‘You have to do it my way” is the moment that you are part of the organisation you support and have an invested/controlling interest in the organisation. It is a fine balance when trying to do it but if you are trying to be objective there will

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Is IG within the NHS going to implode?

With increasing expectations around data protection/GDPR/IG maturity, the simple answer is Yes. IG teams cover everything from pre-birth to post death and everything in between plus need to be involved in almost every data sharing activity/data use activity within an organisation, especially within the public sector. “Involved” could just include have you sought advice –

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At what point do you say No to a service user?

You say No when they are enjoying an argument more than trying to work with you to get an answer. After today, unfortunately one person is going to find that when they said “leave me alone” after hearing something that they did not want to hear, that is exactly what is going to happen. It

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So who was the budget good for?

It was certainly not good for organisations that support the NHS when it provides care and where they provide care on behalf of the NHS. Margins have been tight for a long time and raises in NI almost have a bias that presupposes that all businesses are milking the public sector. Unfortunately this is going

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About our blog

Our blog is designed to promote discussion and to allow the reader to come to their own conclusion. That means some statements will be confrontational and challenging.

Ultimately IG is challenging and the easy answers are not always the best answers. We look forward to your feedback and comments.
