Some legislation is not new…

…it is just new to the member of staff who may never have dealt with it before. The Access to Health Records Act 1990 dealing with the records of the deceased really does need refreshing and brought into align with the 21st century, but it is all we have. If you are dealing with family … Read more

Is the NHS too hard on itself?

I do not think that it is too hard on itself, more that it is inconsistent in terms of how it handles things. When things go well, accept and own the praise. When things go badly accept and own the negativity. The NHS can be its own worst enemy.

When do you know you are a good DPO in the NHS?

You know you are good because service users are getting you involved in conspiracy theories or accusing you of murder. It proves that you are not just theoretical but hands on and prepared to get engaged. It also proves that you cannot get away from the fact that people are people and they come in … Read more

Can people control their lives using UK GDPR?

The simple answer is NO and one of the biggest misrepresentations over the last six years is that it has been portrayed that way. Yes, it provides rights to individuals but it also gives rights to the organisations implementing UK GDPR. No-one has absolute control over how their data is collected, used or shared and … Read more

There is so much knowledge and experience being lost…

…and NHS organisations seem to be accepting it as one of those things despite the impact on services. It is becoming painfully obvious that resources are being wasted because staff are having to fight the system rather than the system supporting them to do their job. There are so many fortress mentalities developing that it … Read more

Do Integrated Care Boards Work?

Integrated Care Boards (ICB’s) were created from the old Clinical Commissioning Groups who were created from the old Primary Care Trusts, with the latter being seen to be delivering services. The change in responsibilities mean that over time the role has moved from doing to more directing, which means that when it comes to business … Read more

So is the NHS going to change?

Read/skimmed the new Darzi report and it is not saying anything that is a real surprise. The real surprise will be if the government can make changes without making things worse. There is a lot of wasted time in the NHS where the focus is on picking up the pieces rather than making sure that … Read more

Do you always need a data sharing agreement?

The simple answer is No – sometimes they confuse things even further, especially when you are providing joint care and needing to access other organisations systems. A simple Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and a strong Starters, Movers and Leavers process owned between organisations can be enough.