Data Protection Officer
What is this?
A lot of organisations now need a Data Protection Officer (DPO) or have access to a service that provides this function.
That is especially true if you are providing health or social care services because any contract in place is likely to require you have a DPO (plus SIRO, Caldicott Guardian and IG Manager which we can do as well).
Where we provide this service , we implement a practical approach to ensure that staff are correctly supported BUT there is always a high degree of objectivity.
The DPO is legally required to make decisions that comply with data protection legislation and that may at times mean they provide a decision or answer that an organisation may not “like”.
We help ensure that you are on the right track and try to not over-complicate things.
We take a plain English approach rather than a legalistic approach – we give a plain English answer and then if you need the legalese we add that in after.

Our primary function is to:
- Ensure that an organisation meets its data protection obligations
- Review data sharing activities
- Undertake and review Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA)
- Act as the first point of contact for the Information Commissioner
- Act as the first point of contact for data subjects
GRG is a member of NADPO
GRG provides a DPO Service to:
- Exemplar Health Care (all the care homes within the group)
- Fetal Medicine Foundation/Fetal Medicine Center
- Kings Fertility Ltd
- The Stoneygate Eye Hospital
- NHS organisations
We also provide support to other DPO Services as part of our extensive network.